In a very familiar passage and one that has been set to music many times over the psalmist writes: “One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the...
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These are unusual times: sometimes we have divine service, sometimes we do not; sometimes we celebrate Holy Communion, sometimes we do not celebrate it. This raises questions, in fact, so many that I cannot even answer them all. One of these questions is: Is Holy Communion no longer as important...
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  “It is the same everywhere, only different,” Chief Apostle Hans Urwyler once said many years ago. Life and faith differ greatly in the congregations around the world, yet there is so much we have in common. community presents some of these commonalities in its latest issue, 03/2021.   The same faith:...
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The ordination of women—this was the other big item on the agenda of the most recent District Apostle Meeting. What resolutions have already been passed? Which decisions remain to be made? The Chief Apostle answers these questions in the second part of our 2021 annual interview.   Chief Apostle Jean-Luc...
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Training in the fellowship of the believers for our eternal fellowship with God: this is how the Chief Apostle understands salvation in Christ and our preparation for it. What this means in practice he explained in his annual interview 2021. District Apostle Meeting, Pentecost service, and now a newly published interview: this...
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